Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials administers the development of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the Two Rivers Economic Development District. TREDD is a region defined by the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce which is made up of Adams, Brown, Cass, Morgan, Pike, Scott, & Schuyler counties.
Our Most Recent CEDS
TREDD creates a ‘Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy’ (CEDS) every five years, which serves as a blueprint for economic development activities. The CEDS identifies the assets and liabilities of the region and presents action plans to improve the economic health of the region and encourage job growth. The CEDS committee holds quarterly meetings to continue to strategize and update action plans.

CEDS Goals
The current CEDS contains nine (9) goals for the TREDD:
- Goal 1: Build on the strengths of the Region as a logistics hub
- Goal 2: Retain and expand business and industry currently operating throughout the District.
- Goal 3: Promote job creation throughout the District.
- Goal 4: Work toward infrastructure improvements needed to support Goals 1, 2 and 3
- Goal 5: Promote growth of the retail/tourism industry in the district.
- Goal 6: Promote historic preservation necessary for tourism & neighborhood revitalization.
- Goal 7: Use economic development resources available in the Two Rivers District as efficiently as possible.
- Goal 8: Promote development of the Renewable Energy Industry throughout the District.
- Goal 9: Promote development of safe agriculture and locally made agriculture products throughout the district.
Each goal has a number of more specific objectives. Goals and objectives can be found in Chapter 3 of the CEDS document.